Green Family Research

Greens in Claverly Wills

The will of Thomas Green
Will proven 7 December 1771

In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Green of Claverly in the County of Salop, innkeeper, being of perfect mind, memory and understanding, thanks be given to Almighty God for it, do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and form following, First I will that all my just debts, legacies and funeral expenses be paid and discharged by my executors hereafter mentioned. Item, I do give and bequeath to my son Thomas Green the sum of five shillings. Item, I give and bequeath to my dear and loving wife Mary all my freehold and personal estate of what nature and kind soever and wheresoever I did posses’d, for ever. And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said loving wife Mary and William Lee of Ludson executors of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills and testaments by me at any times here to fore made. In witness whereof I have here unto put my hand and seal the 5th day of September in the year of our Lord 1771, being the eleventh year of the reign of our sovereign, George the Third by the Grace of God.

Thomas Green

Samuel Parks    Joseph Williams    John Cole

The will of Mary Green

16 June 1772

In the name of God, Amen, I, Mary Green of the township of Claverly in the county of Salop, widow and relict of Thomas Green of the Claverly aforesaid, Innholder, being weak in body, but of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding, praised to God for the same, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say) First, I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, and my body I commend to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executrix hereafter mentioned, and that all my just debts, legacies and fines and expenses be fully paid and discharged by my youngest son, Richard Green. And I do hereby by virtue and power of my late husband Thomas Green’s will to me given, give and bequeath unto my eldest son Thomas Green if living the sum of five shillings to be paid by my youngest son Richard. Also I give and devise all that my freehold lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises situate lying and being in the said parish of Claverly and county of Salop aforesaid with the rents, issues, and profits of all and singular to the premises to the said Richard Green, his heirs and assigns forever and immediately after my death. He paying my daughter Ann Green the sum of 80 pounds out of the freehold estate within one month after my decease. Also I give, devise, and bequeath all the rest, residue, and remainder of my personal estate, worldly goods and effects whatsoever and wheresoever to my said son, Richard Green, and I hereby nominate and appoint my daughter Ann Green executrix of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former and other will and wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 21st day on December in the year of our Lord 1772.

The mark of Mary Green

William Lee

The mark of James Stringer

The Ann Green mentioned in the will becomes the wife of William Parbut.

The will of Richard Green, written of 16 June 1792, leaves to brother Thomas one shilling only, and to sister Anne Green, now Anne the wife of William Parbut, all the rest.

The Will of Thomas Green

14 January 1721

Proven 18 August 1722

Memoranda, that this day Thomas Greene …hath appointed his nephew John Greene to be his sole executor of his last will and testament, and hath given to his wife Jane Greene two pounds, the sum annually to be paid by his executor, and hath further ordered his executor to pay to Richard Green, after he and his wife decease thirteen pounds, the sum during his life if it pleases God his wife Mary Greene survives his, then for his executor to pay her five pounds annually during her life …hereby I do freely give and bequeath to my nephew John Greene all my freehold estate, … he seeing me decently buried and paying my funerall expenses, and performing the other events before expressed.

Thomas Greene, his mark

Judith Taylor

John Rudge

John Hubbold

Some sections of this will are very difficult to read, and have been left out of this transcript. No other people are mentioned in the omitted sections.

Will Index - Claverley

Margaret Green   1782

Richard Green   1784
Robert Green   1827
Thomas Green   1839
Elizabeth Green   1839
John Green   1840
Sarah Green   1851
Joseph Green   1841
Source: Claverley Will Index, FHL# 95260-2.

Greens in the Claverly Parish Registers

23 December 1800      buried John, infant of John and Sarah Green. John Glover, officiating curate.
10 November 1799     John, son of John and Sarah Green baptized
7 August 1796             John Green, widower and Sarah Meredith, spinster by Thos. Shaw Hellier, Minister, Witnesses: William Crowther, Edw. Ball
1786    William Green of Brewood Staffordshire and Sarah Reynold by license. Witnesses: Joseph Green, Maria Green
18 September 1782    Richard Green, baker buried
8 February 1773         Mary Green, widow buried
25 November 1771     Thomas Green buried
15 September 1761     John Green buried
7 January 1761            Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Green buried
1760                           Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Mary Green buried
4 October 1751          Richard, son of Thomas and Mary Green baptized
10 March 1747           Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Mary Green baptized
1745                           Thomas Green is listed as a church warden
15 November 1741     Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Green baptized
29 June 1739              Ann, daughter of Thomas and Mary Green baptized
31 January 1736         Ann, daughter of Thomas and Mary Green baptized
21 January 1734         Mary, daughter of Thomas Green baptized
23 February 1732       Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Green baptized
12 August 1731          John son of Thomas and Mary Green baptized
17 April 1723             Richard Green buried
17 January 1721        Thomas Green buried
16 May 1701             Henry Green buried
1682                          Thomas Green is listed as a church warden
24 May 1679             Elizabeth Green, widow buried
3 October 1675         Mary, a girl that was found in Thomas Green’s house baptized
12 August 1671         John Greene, senior buried
9 August 1655          Anne, daughter of John Greene, born 9 August, baptized.
16 August 1654        Elizabeth, widow of Richard Greene buried
4 November 1652     Thrustance, son of John Greene buried
11 July 1652             Richard, son of John Greene baptized
24 April 1652           Thomas Greene of the Heath buried
25 October 1648      Francis and Judith, twins of John Greene baptized
21 June 1646            John, son of John Greene baptized
28 April 1645           Sarah, daughter of Edward Greene, deceased, buried
27 April 1645           Dorothy, daughter of Mary Greene, widow of MarlePit Lane buried
4 April 1645             Edward Green buried
9 June 1644             Thrustance, son of John and Elizabeth Greene baptized
21 September 1641  Anne, widow of Thomas Greene buried
31 May 1640           Dorothy, daughter of Edward and Mary Greane baptized
20 February 1641     Thomas, son of John Greene, baptized
1 March 1639           Isabell, daughter of John and Elizabeth Greene baptized
3 July 1638               Margaret, wife of William Greene buried
2 July 1631               Richard, son of Edward and Mary Green baptized
7 June 1625              Elizabeth, wife of John Grene buried
20 March 1622         John Greyne buried
5 April 1620             John Grein buried
7 June 1618              John Greyne buried
1614 April 3            Anne, wife of John Greyne buried
30 June 1611           George, son of William Greine baptized
2 February 1610      John, son of Thomas Greine baptized
11 January 1584      Thrustance, son of John Greyne baptized
7 November 1581    Thomas, son of John Greyne baptized
2 October 1579        Thomas Greine and Anne Poole married
28 September 1579  John Greine and Agnes Busshope married
22 February 1578     Agnes Greine buried
11 November 1576  Elnor, daughter of Johan Grein buried
1 November 1576    Elner, daughter of Joan Grein baptized
18 May 1576           Thomas Greyne buried
8 May 1575             John Marsh and Alicia Greine married
17 January 1575       Thomas Higges and Agnes Greyne married
28 November 1573  John Perrin and Elizabeth Greyne married
10 May 1572           Humphrey Newman and Johann Greyne married
1 May 1572             Joyse, daughter of Arthur Greine buried
Source: Claverley parish register, FHL# 162094.

Greens in Claverly Land and Estate Records

Claverly Rent Roll


William Parbut for late Greens
Sarah Green


William Parbutt for late Greens


Richard Green, now William Parbut


Richard Green


Thomas Green


Thomas Green
Claverly Estreats
Manor of Claverly, an extract of the fines and amerciaments of a court seet and cort baron of the Honorable Sir Thomas Whitmore knight of the Bath, Lord of the said Manor.

Includes the townlands of Claverly, Aston, Broughton, Gatacre, Farmcott, Woundwall, Hopstone, and Heathton.

7 July 1783

Received of Sarah Green, spinster of Bewdley for her admission to all that one cottage and one piece of land next the shop buttwith appurtances in Clavery … 1.1/2


Frances Green


No Greens listed


No Greens listed


No Greens listed


Thomas Green


Thomas Green


No Greens listed


No Greens listed


Thomas Green


No Greens listed


Thomas Grene


Thomas Grene


No Greens listed
Chief Rents
William Parbutt for late Greens   7 ½
Sarah Green   2
For two cottage and a half a nook late Baches


William Parbutt for late Greens   7 ½


Sarah Green (Whiston’s heir) 2


Richard Green


Richard Green
Thomas Green


John Green
Thomas Green


John Greene
Thomas Green 7 ½
Rents 1653 – 1787


Thomas Green   7 ½
Widow Green for a cottage and half a nook   0 0 8


John Green
Thomas Green
(Next to Moses Thomason)


John Green for a cottage and half a nook   0 0 8


John Green


Thomas Green


Thomas Green


Thomas Green


John Greene


Manor of Claverly
John Greene


John Greene   0 7 0
Thomas Greene
William Greene
Source: Claverley Estreats, Chief rents, Rolls of chief rents, 17th century, FHL# 1951784.

Greens in Surrounding Parishes



5 April 1799                 Harry Green and Catherine Bacon, both of this parish, married.

                                    Harry Green is found in the parish registers as a witness during the 1790s.
Source: Quatt parish register, FHL# 506792.


20 December 1726     John Green and Ann Grove married.
1 October 1730          Thomas Green and Mary Whistons married.
There are no christening records for any Greens in the Quatford parish registers.
Source: Quatford parish register, FHL# 506792.


No Greens are found in the Bobbington parish registers from 1715 – 1809.
Source: Bobbington parish register, FHL# 1040830.

Bridgnorth, St. Leonards

4 March 1743             Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized.
23 December 1744     Richard Huntley, son of William and Mary Green baptized
26 January 1745         Samuel, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized
23 September 1746    Samuel, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Green buried
6 September 1747      Mary, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized
8 January 1747           John, son of William and Mary Green baptized
17 April 1750             Samuel, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized
11 March 1752          Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized
9 August 1753           John, son of William and Mary Green buried
18 September 1754   Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Green buried
24 November 1755   Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized
11 September 1758   Jane, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized
7 March 1762           Mary, daughter of Edward and Ann Green baptized
18 April 1762            Richard, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized
9 May 1763              Richard, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Green buried
21 February 1764     Richard, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Green baptized
2 March 1764           Richard, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Green buried
5 April 1764             William Green buried
10 June 1764            Anne, daughter of Edward and Ann Green baptized
5 July 1767               Richard, son of Edward and Ann Green baptized
27 November 1771  Lucy, daughter of Mary Green baptized
7 February 1773      Betty, daughter of Edward and Ann Green baptized
7 April 1776            Sally, daughter of Edward and Ann Green baptized
29 May 1776           Mary Green buried
4 August 1777         Alice, base daughter of Mary Green baptized
16 May 1780           Richard, son of Mary Green baptized
5 September 1780   Susanna, daughter of Edward and Anne Green baptized
20 January 1782      Lucy, daughter of William and Mary Green baptized
1784                       Edward, son of William and Mary Green baptized
16 May 1784          Maria, daughter of William and Sarah Green, born March 3, baptized
5 February 1786     Edward, son of Edward and Ann Green baptized
26 November 1786  William, son of William and Sarah Green baptized
22 March 1787       Sarah, wife of William Green buried
Source: St. Leonards parish register, FHL# 510655.

Bridgnorth, St. Mary Magdalene
17 February 1701   John, son of John and Anne Green christened.
20 April 1707         Sarah, daughter of John Greene, plasterer, and Anne baptized.
17 March 1710      Elizabeth, daughter of John and Anne Green (mason) baptized.
2 April 1715           George, son of John and Anne Green baptized.
16 january 1724     William Green of Numthlow and Martha Gough of Morwill married by license.
19 May 1728          John Greene buried.
20 June 1732          Anne, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Green baptized.
11 Dec 1736          William Green and Mary Huntley, both of this parish, married.
26 December 1737 Edward, son of William and Mary Green baptized.
11 November 1740 William, son of William and Mary Green baptized.
2 December 1742   Anne, daughter of Henry and Sarah Green baptized.
23 December 1744 Margaret, daughter of Henry and Sarah Green baptized.
24 February 1753   Martha, daughter of William and Susanna Green baptized.
24 March 1753       Martha, daughter of William and Susanna Green baptized.
5 January 1768       Anne, daughter of James and Jane Green baptized.
30 April 1770         John Green buried.
11 February 1776   Thomas Green and Ann Bullin married.
2 April 1786           Mary, daughter of John and Anne Green baptized.
26  March 1800      Ann Green, widow, buried.
13 January 1805     Harriett, daughter of William and Mary Green, baptized.
9 February 1805     Harriett, daughter of William and Mary Green, buried.
20 February 1805   Thomas, son of William and Mary Green, buried.
13 April 1805          Jane, base daughter of Margaret Green buried.
27 December 1805 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Eleanor Green baptized, born 3 August 1804.
Source: St. Mary Magdalene parish register, FHL# 510656.


18 April 1692            Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Green, born 23 March 1692, baptized.
4 February 1693        Susanna, daughter of Richard Green of ye Hermitage and Elizabeth, born 10 January 1693, baptized.
17 September 1696   Hannah, daughter of Richard Green of ye Hermitage and Elizabeth, born 24 August 1696, baptized.
26 December 1701    Jane, daughter of Richard Green of the Hermitage, pauper, and Elizabeth, born 25 November 1701, baptized.
8 December 1715      George, son of Susanna Green of ye Hermitage, a base child, baptized.
30 March 1716          George, son of Susanna Green of ye Hermitage buried.
12 March 1716          Richard Green of the Hermitage, died 10 March 1716, buried.
15 April 1770   John Green of the parish of Wombridge, Co. Salop, batchelor, and Mary Parton, sp. of the parish aforesaid, married.
30 May 1790             Jane, daughter of Samuel and Ruth Green, born May 3, baptized.
2 June 1793               Susannah, daughter of Samuel and Ruth Green of Oldington, born May 23, baptized.
6 April 1796              Samuel, son of Samuel and Ruth Green, born 5 April, baptized.
10 April 1796            [blank} Green, a child.
13 November 1796   Samuel Green, a child of Oldington buried.
6 April 1800              Benjamin, son of Samuel and Ruth Green buried.
25 January 1811        Thomas, son of Thomas and Eleanor Green buried.
30 November 1810   Mary Green, 40.
Source: Worfield parish register, FHL# 510686.


The Green family appears very early in the history of Alveley parish. "The History of the Parish of Alveley" by Alan James Nicholls shows members of the Grene family in Aleveley from 1255 until 1395. A description of the history of The Grenehouse starts "The first mention of the family Green was in 1255 when Stephen de la Grene was on a jury."

1215             Stephen de la Grene was on a jury.
1256             William de la Grene, chaplain, and Nicholas, his brother, were sued in a land dispute over 4 acres in Alveley.
1260             Stephen de la Grene was one of six men reporting on the rights and liberties owned by the king in Alveley.
1292             Nicholas de la Grene was on a jury.
1292             Aldith, daughter of Stephen de la Grene, is granted land by Godith, daughter of Wodere of Nordley.
1303             Hugo de la Grene is witness to a deed.
1305             Nicholas de la Grene is witness to a deed.
1306             Nicholas de la Grene is witness to a deed.
1315             Nicholas, son of Nicholas de la Grene of Northley , and Isabella his sister, and the heirs of Nicholas
                     are granted land in Redhulfield for the rent of one rose.
1325             Margery, daughter of Nicholas de la Grene, senior, and Adam Tunny de Nordley had land in Nordley.
1327             Jul' o the Grene paid 12 d. in Alveley in the lay subsidy roll.
                     Hugh o the Grene paid 14 d. in Alveley in the lay subsidy roll.
                     Ric' o atte Grene paid 6 d. in Alveley in the lay subsidy roll.
                     Nicholas de la Grene paid 2 s. in Nordley in the lay subsidy roll
1331             Nicholas de la Grene, and Margerie his wife, received a grant of land in Le Mer'field for the rent of
                     two silver pennies.
1341             John, son of Nicholas de la Grene received a quitclaim of land in Hardwyke field.
1350             John of the Grene of Nordley and Christian, his wife, received one dove cote in Trokenhull for the
                     rent of one red rose to the lord of the manor.
1352             John de la Grene, aged 44, testified at the proof of age of Hugh Baggesoure.
1353             John de la Grene rented land in Nordley and Astley.
1354             Nicholas atte Grene is mentioned in a transfer of land in Nordley.
1360             John de la Grene witnessed a deed.
1361             John de Grene the elder, living at the Grenehouse is enfeoffed of a carcurate of land within the manor
                     of Nordley and Astley, and tenements in Quatt and Claverley by William de Fillilode. The lands
                     were to revert to William upon the death of John. In the next year William died possessed of these
1364             John de Grene, aged 40 years and more, testified that he was at the wedding of William Russell
                     and Agnes his wife.
1395             Richard atte Wall, son and heir of Agnes, daughter of Nicholas de la Grene granted land in Quatt.

No further mention is made of any Greens in Alveley until 1579.
Source: "The History of the Parish of Alveley" by Alan James Nicholls, 1994.

Alveley parish registers are available online for parish records from the start of the registers in 1560 to 1700. Only two Green entries appear during that time period:

28 September 1579          John Grene and Anne Bishop married.

12 October 1602             Elizabeth Green buried.
1622                                The Rent Roll for Alveley shows no Greens.
Source: Alveley parish registers online at
 or Alveley parish register, FHL# 506789.

There is a mention of John Green in "The History of the Parish of Alveley":

"In 1687 John Green, carpenter, swore an oath that he had viewed the ruins of the paper mill premises in 1686."
Source: "The History of the Parish of Alveley", Alan James Nicholls, 1994.

The later Alveley records are available at the LDS Family History Libraries, FHL# 506789. There is a typewritten index at the start of the record.

18 December 1719    Thomas, baseborn son of Martha Green baptized.

1728                          Thomas son of John and Anne baptized.
27 February 1733      Joseph, son of John and Anne Green baptized.
15 June 1736             Mary, daughter of John and Anne Green baptized.
26 April 1735            Ann, wife of John Green buried.
29 May1755             James son of John and Esther Green, baptized.
24 September 1757   Mary, daughter of John and Esther Green, baptized.
6 March 1759          John, son of John and Esther Green, baptized.*
1759                         Indenture - William, son of Thomas Garbett, was indentured to John Green of Barretts Farm to learn
                                 the craft and occupation of husbandry. (Alveley Parish Chest Records, FHL# 1657611)
29 May 1759            Thomas Green, batchelor, aged 21 and upward, and Elizabeth Bickerton, spinster, a minor, were married by license, with consent of her father.
1760                          John Green held land in Alveley from Thomas Boycott. (The History of the Parish of Alveley)
1760                          John Green the younger was named on a lease of property. (The History of the Parish of Alveley)
23 September 1760   Ann, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Green.
26 December 1760   Thomas, son of John and Esther Green, baptized.
26 March 1762        Mary, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Green baptized.
24 May 1763           Robert, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Green baptized.
29 October 1762     Joseph, son of John and Esther Green baptized.
6 November 1764   Elizabeth, daughter of John and Esther Green baptized.
19 August 1766       Harry, son of John and Esther Green baptized.
14 January 1766      Richard, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Green baptized
2 April 1768            Betty, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Green baptized
1 February 1768      William, son of John and Esther Green baptized.
1769                         John Green was a tenant at Perry House Farm. (The History of the Parish of Alveley)
1770                         A Survey map for 1770 shows Mr. John Green's land in Daviks's Farm.
                                 (The History of the Parish of Alveley)
25 December 1769   Sarah, daughter of John and Esther Green baptized
6 November 1770    Thomas Bickerton, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Green baptized.
5 January 1772         Edward, illegitimate son of Sarah Green baptized.
19 August 1771        Josias, son of John and Esther Green baptized
18 March 1773        George, son of John and Esther Green baptized
1773                         John Green is listed as a churchwarden in 1773.
8 December 1773     John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Green baptized
4 July 1774               John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Green, buried.
18 January 1775       William Gill, batchelor, and Ann Green, a minor, with consent of her father, Thomas Green, were married by license.
3 July 1775               Ann, daughter of John and Esther Green baptized
29 July 1776             Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Green buried.
1776                         Transfer of indenture - John Green the younger pays the sum of thirty pounds to the church wardens
                                 to transfer the indenture of James Jordan to a farmer in Sedgley. (Alveley Parish Chest Records, FHL# 1657611)
18 January 1778       William Gill and Ann Green married by license.
26 June 1787            Robert Green, batchelor, and Elizabeth Green, spinster, married by license.
21 August 1787        John Green, Sr. buried.
4 October 1787        Ann, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Green baptized.
26 June 1792            John Hoult and Betty Green marriage by license.
19 August 1793        Robert Green, widower, and Elizabeth Palmer of Kinver, married by license.
6 April 1794             Thomas, son of Robert and Elizabeth Green baptized.
17 September 1795  Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Green baptized.
16 May 1796           Josiah Green buried.
5 November 1796    John, son of Robert and Elizabeth Green baptized
8 June 1802             Mary Bickerton, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Green baptized.
5 January 1804        Ann Green buried.
2 June 1809             John Green buried.
15 April 1811          Thomas Bickerton Green, aged 40, of Kidderminster in Co. Worcester, buried.
Source: Alveley parish register, FHL# 506789.


8 May 1580           Margaret Green, daughter of John Green, baptized

21 April 1576        Elizabeth, daughter of John Green, baptized
26 January 1580    William Greene buried
4 January 1590      John Greene buried
23 March 1594     Margaret, daughter of Thomas Greene, baptized
11 July 1600         The History of Wombourn, Bobbington, and Trysull states:
                             "There was a lodge at Greensforge by 1600; it was then occupied by Thomas Green,
                              and the name Greens Lodge was used for the house in the 17th and early 18th centuries."
14 March 1601     Thomas, son of Thomas Greene and Margaret his wife, baptized
12 March 1625     Thomas, son of John Greene, born 9 February, baptized
April 1621            Thomas Greene and [illegible] married
1631                     Thomas Greene buried.
1631                    "The History of Wombourn, Bobbington, and Trysull states:
                             "In 1631 Thomas Green of Wombourne, who had butter and cheese in this house,
                             had a flock of sheep worth 30 pounds, and probably numbering over 100, but only 6 cows."
June1632              Walter? (hard to read) son of Thomas Greene baptized
18 March 1754   John Green and Esther York, both of Wombourn, married.*
27 August 1764    William Green of the parish of Trysul and Esther Bruff married 27 August.
Source: Wombourn parish register, FHL# 1517739; "The History of Wombourn, Bobbington, and Trysull".

26 June 1712       William Grene and Ellyn Bach married.
26 June 1712       Thomas, son of John and Elizabeth Green baptized.
1 May 1714         John, son of John and Elizabeth Green baptized.
3 April 1718        Richard, son of John and Elizabeth Green baptized.
2 October 1720   Elizabeth and Marey, twins of John and Elizabeth Green baptized.
28 August 1723   William, son of John and Elizabeth Green baptized.
9 May 1730         John Green buried.
4 June 1730         Elizabeth Green, widow of John Green, buried.
28 March 1767   John, son of William and Ester Green, born 4 March, baptized.
16 April 1770     John, son of William and Esther Green baptized.
Source: Trysull parish register, FHL# 1040886.

The History of Trysull (online) states: "The Astons, Peaches and Pudseys, with related Green and Banton families, major landholders in the 19th century and 20th century, do not appear in the registers until 1619."

1565                    Thomas Greene buried
19 Oct 1584         William Greene and Elner Hewes married.
March 1612         William Greene, laborer, buried.
January 1613        John Greene, sonne of William Greene and Anne his wife, buried.
26 March 1615    Anne Greene, wife of William Greene, buried.
12 November 1624 Thomas Greene, husbandman, buried.
November 1682  Johana, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Green baptized.
12 August 1683   Thomas Green buried
1694                   Margaret Green buried.
1694                    Thomas Green and Margaret Fletcher married.
January 1695       Thomas, son of Thomas Green and Margaret his wife baptized.
November 1696   Michael Green and Margaret Shaw married.
8 July 1697          John, son of Elizabeth Green and George Nickalls baptized.  (IGI)
1 May 1700         John, son of Thomas Green and Margaret baptized.
July 1700             John Green buried.
17 October 1735 John Green buried.
28 December 1741  William, son of Richard and Sarah Green of Bridgnorth baptized.
March 1744        Thomas, son of Richard and Sarah Green baptized.
5 March 1745     Alice Green buried.
8 March 1745     [illegible] daughter of Richard and Sarah Green baptized.
23 April 1747     James Green and Sarah Wood married.
3 September 1749 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Sarah Green baptized.
11 September 1750  James, son oof James and Sarah Green baptized.
27 January 1763  John Bedhouse and Sarah Green, both of this parish, married.
18 August 1771   Thomas Green buried.
4 November 1771 William Green of the parish of Patshul and Sarah Bedhouse of this parish married.
18 March 1772    Mary, daughter of William and Sarah Green baptized.
10 January 1773   Mary, illegitimate daughter of Elizabeth Green, baptized.
Source: Pattingham parish register FHL# 1040782.

29 December 1770  Edward, son of Thomas and Sarah Green baptized.
25 July 1773         George, son of Thomas and Sarah Green baptized.
27 July 1773         George, son of Thomas and Sarah Green buried.
23 January 1775   Thomas, son of William and Sarah Green baptized.
25 February 1777 Richard, son of William and Sarah Green baptized.
30 June 1779        John, son of William and Sarah Green baptized.
20 January 1782   Sarah Anne, daughter of William and Sarah Green baptized.
1 March 1787       James Green buried.
25 August 1792    James Green married Francis Willsby, both of this parish.
6 September 1799 Sarah Green buried.
Source: Patshull parish register, FHL# 1040782.

29 March 1795    John Green of Wolverhampton and Anne Grindley of this parish married.
5 February 1809  William, son of John and Sarah Green, baptized.*
Source: Penn parish register, FHL# 14171182.

Green Family Groups

By using all of the above listed records, the following family groups can be created for the Green family. The family groups start in the 1500s, and continue into the early 1800s, in the hope that this may provide a clue to John Green’s parentage.

These Greens are found in early records in Alveley:

Stephen de la Grene serves on a jury in 1255.
Daughter, Aldith on deed in 1292.

Nicholas de la Grene
Nicholas de la Grene is named on a lawsuit in 1256 with his brother William de la Grene, chaplain.
Nicholas is on a jury in 1292.
Nicholas is a witness in 1305 and 1306.
Son, Nicholas, is on a deed in 1315.
Daughter, Isabella is on the same deed in 1315.
Daughter, Margery, is on a 1325 deed.
Nicholas of Nordley is on a deed in 1327.
Wife, Margery, in on a deed in 1331.
Son, John is on a deed in 1341.
Daughter, Agnes, is on a land transfer of 1395 for her son, Richard atte Walle.

Hugh/Hugo de la Grene
Hugh is a witness in 1303.
Hugh is listed on the Lay Subsidy in 1327 in Alveley.

Jul' of the Green
Jul' is listed on the Lay Subsidy in 1327 in Alveley.

Ric' o atte Grene
Ric' is listed on the Lay Subsidy in 1327 in Alveley.

John of the Grene, of Nordley and Christian, his wife
John is born in 1308. At a proof of age trial in 1352, he is shown as 44 years old.
John and Christian are on a deed of 1350.
John rented land in 1353.
John is a witness in 1360.
John de Grene, the elder, living at the Grenehouse, is listed on an enfeoffment in 1361. He probably died the next year.
Son, John is implied from the reference to "the elder".

John de Grene
John, aged 40 and more, testifies at a proof of age trial in 1364.

In the latter half of the 1500s these Greens were listed in the town records:

Thomas Green was buried in 1576 in Claverley.

Arthur Green

Daughter, Joyse christened 1572 in Claverley

Joan Green

Daughter, Elner christened 1576; buried 1576 in Claverley.
John Green
Daughter, Elizabeth, christened in 1576 in Wombourn.
Daughter, Margaret, christened in 1580 in Wombourn.
John Greene buried in 1590 in Wombourn.

John Green married Agnes Busshope in 1579 in Claverley.

Son, Thomas christened 1581 in Claverley.
Son, Thrustance christened 1584 in Claverley.

John Grene and Anne Bishop
John Grene married Anne Bishop in 1579 in Alveley.

Thomas Green married Anne Poole in 1579 in Claverley

Son, John christened 1610 in Claverley.
William Green
William Green buried in 1580 in Wombourn.

William Green and Elner Hewes
William Green married Elner Hewes in 1584 in Pattingham.

Thomas and Margaret Green
Daughter, Margaret, christened in 1594 in Wombourn.
Son, Thomas, christened in 1601 in Wombourn.
Thomas Green buried in 1631 in Wombourn.

In the early 1600s these Greens were listed in the town records:

William and Margaret Green

Son, George, christened 1611 in Claverley.
Margaret, wife of William Green, buried 1638 in Claverley.
William Green listed in the Claverly Rents in 1653.

John and Anne Green

John Green buried 1618-1622 in Claverley. (Several John Green listed under burials in 1618, 1620 and 1622.)
Anne Green, widow of John, buried 1614 in Claverley

Thomas Green
Thomas Green and [illegible] married in 1621 in Wombourn.
Thomas Green of Wombourn had over 100 sheep and 6 cows (History of Wombourn, Bobbington and Trysull)
Son, Walter?, christened in 1632 in Wombourn.

John and Elizabeth Green

Elizabeth Green, widow of John, buried 1625 in Claverley
John Green
Son, Thomas, christened in 1625 in Wombourn.

Elizabeth Green
Elizabeth Green buried in 1632 in Alveley.

John and Elizabeth Green

Daughter, Isabell christened 1639 in Claverley
Son, Thomas christened 1641  in Claverley
Son, Thrustance christened 1644; buried 1652 in Claverley
Son, John christened 1646 in Claverley
Twins, Francis and Judith, christened 1648 in Claverley
Daughter, Ann christened 1655 in Claverley
John Green mentioned in the Claverly Rents in 1653 in Hopston
John Green mentioned in the Claverly Rents in 1664 in Manor of Claverly
John Green buried 1671 in Claverley.

Edward and Mary Green

Son, Richard christened 1631 in Claverley.
Daughter, Sarah buried 1645 in Claverley.
Daughter, Dorothy christened 1640; buried 1645 in Claverley.
Edward buried 1645 in Claverley.
Mary listed as a widow of MarlePit Lane in 1645 in Claverley
Elizabeth Green
Elizabeth Green buried 1602 in Alveley.

In the latter half of the 1600s, these Greens were listed in the town records:

Thomas Green of the Heath buried in 1652 in Claverley

Richard Green (son of Edward and Mary Green?)

Elizabeth Green, wife of Richard Green buried 1654 in Claverley.

Thomas Green (son of John and Elizabeth Green?)

Mary, a girl that was found in Thomas Green’s house christened 1675 in Claverley.

John Green is buried in 1691 in Quatt.

John Green (son of John and Elizabeth Green?)

John Green is listed in Claverly Rents in 1694

In the 1700s, these Greens were listed in the town records:

Richard and Elizabeth Green

Daughter, Elizabeth christened 1692 in Worfield.
Daughter, Susanna christened 1693 in Worfield.
Daughter, Hanna christened 1696 in Worfield.
Daughter, Jane christened 1701 in Worfield.
Richard Green of the Hermitage died in 1716 in Worfield.
Susanna Green (daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Green of the Hermitage in Worfield)
Son, George, illegitimate, christened in 1715 in Worfield.
Son, George buried in 1716 in Worfield.
Henry Green
Henry Green buried 1701 in Claverley.

John and Anne Greene
John Green's occupation is listed as a plasterer in 1707 and a mason in 1710.
Daughter, Sarah christened in 1707 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.
Daughter, Elizabeth christened in 1710 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.
Son, George christened in 1715 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.
John Greene buried in 1728 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.

Thomas and Jane Green

Thomas Green mentioned in the Claverly Rents in Hopston in 1708.
Thomas Green mentioned in the Claverly Rents in 1710 and 1719.
Thomas Green mentioned in the Rent Roll in 1719 in Claverley
Thomas Green left a will in 1722, mentioning wife, Jane Green, son Richard Green and his wife Mary Green, nephew John Green, in Claverley.

John and Elizabeth Green
Son, Thomas, christened in 1712 in Trysull
Son, John, christened in 1714 in Trysull.
Son, Richard, christened in 1718 in Trysull.
Twins, Elizabeth and Marey, christened in 1720 in Trysull.
Son, William, christened in 1723 in Trysull.
John Green buried in 1730 in Trysull.
Elizabeth, widow of John Green, buried in 1730 in Trysull.

Martha Green
Son, Thomas, illegitimate, christened in 1719 in Alveley.

William Green and Martha Gough
William Green of Numthlow married Martha Gough of Morwill in 1724 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.

John and Anne Green

John Green married Ann Grove 30 December 1726 in Quatford.
Son, Thomas christened in 1728 in Alveley.
Son, John, named as "John Green the younger" named on lease in 1760.
Son, Joseph christened in 1733 in Alveley.
Daughter, Mary christened in 1735 in Alveley.
Ann, the wife of John Green is buried in 1735 in Alveley.
John Green held land (the Lowe) in Alveley from Thomas Boycott in 1760.

Thomas and Elizabeth Green
Daughter, Anne christened in 1732 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.

William Green and Mary Huntley
William Green married Mary Huntley, both of this parish, in 1736 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.
Son, Edward christened in 1737 in St. Mary Magdalene.
Son, William christened in 1740 in St. Mary Magdalene.

John Green

John Green is mentioned in the Chief Rents in 1742 and 1747 in Claverley.
John Green is mentioned in the Claverly Rents in Hopston in 1724-5, 1735, and 1740.

Thomas Green and Mary Whistons

Thomas Green and Mary Whistons were married 1 October 1730 in Quatford. (Mary was the daughter of John and Anne Whistons or Weston.)
Son, John christened 1731; buried 1761 in Claverley.
Daughter, Elizabeth christened 1732 in Claverley.
Daughter, Mary christened 1734; buried 1761 in Claverley.
Daughter, Ann christened 1736 in Claverley.
Daughter, Ann christened 1739 in Claverley; mentioned in mother Mary Green’s will in 1772; married William Parbut.
Son, Thomas christened 1741; mentioned in father’s will in 1771; mentioned in mother’s will in 1772, in Claverley
Daughter, Margaret christened 1747 in Claverley; died 1760 in Claverley.
Son, Richard christened 1751 in Claverley; mentioned in mother’s will in 1772; mentioned in Chief Rents in 1775, 1780 and 1782; buried 1782, listed as a baker; own will 1784.
Thomas Green is listed in the Rent Roll in Claverly in 1740, 1753, 1757, and 1760.
Thomas Green is listed in the Chief Rents in Claverley in 1742, 1747 and 1775. In 1775 his name is lined out, and Richard Green is listed for that property.
Thomas Green is listed as a Church Warden in 1745 in Claverley.
Thomas Green left a will in 1771, and was buried in 1771 in Claverley.
Mary Green, Thomas’s widow left a will in 1772 and was buried in 1773 in Claverley.

Henry and Sarah Green
Daughter, Anne christened in 1742 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.
Daughter, Margaret christened in 1744 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.

Samuel and Elizabeth Green
Daughter, Elizabeth, christened in 1743 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards.
Son, Samuel, christened in 1745 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards; buried in 1746 in Bridgnorth.
Daughter, Mary, christened in 1747 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards.
Son, Samuel, christened in 1750 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards.
Daughter, Sarah, christened in 1752 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards.
Daughter, Sarah, buried in 1754 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards.
Daughter, Sarah, christened in 1755 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards.
Daughter, Jane, christened in 1758 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards.
Son, Richard, christened in 1762 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards; buried in 1763 in Bridgnorth.
Son, Richard, christened in 1764 in Bridgnorth, St. Leonards; buried in 1764 in Bridgnorth.

William and Susanna Green
Daughter, Martha christened in 1753 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth; buried in 1753 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth.

John and Esther Green

John Green married Esther York in 1754 in Wombourn.
Son, James christened in1755 in Alveley.
Daughter, Mary christened in1757 in Alveley.
*Son, John christened in 1759 in Alveley.
Son, Thomas christened in1760 in Alveley.
Son, Joseph christened in 1762 in Alveley.
Daughter, Elizabeth christened in 1764 in Alveley.
Son, Harry christened in 1766 in Alveley.
Son, William christened in 1768 in Alveley.
Daughter, Sarah christened in1769 in Alveley.
Son, Josias christened in 1771 in Alveley; buried in 1796 in Alveley.
Son, George christened in 1773 in Alveley.
Daughter, Ann christened in 1775 in Alveley.
John Green is a churchwarden in 1773 in Alveley.
John Green, Sr. is buried in 1787 in Alveley.

Thomas Green and Elizabeth Bickerton (son of John and Anne of Alveley?)

Thomas Green married Elizabeth Bickerton (a minor with consent of her father) in 1759 in Alveley.
Daughter, Mary, christened in 1762 in Alveley
Son, Robert christened in 1763 in Alveley.
Son, Richard christened in 1766 in Alveley.
Daughter, Betty christened in 1768 in Alveley.
Son, Thomas Bickerton, christened in 1770 in Alveley. Thomas Bickerton Green, aged 40, of Kidderminster, Co. Worcester, was buried in 1811 in Alveley.
Son, John christened in 1773 in Alveley.
Son, John buried in 1774 in Alveley.
Elizabeth Green, wife of Thomas Green, buried in 1776 in Alveley.

William Green and Esther Bruff (son of John and Elizabeth Green of Trysull)
William Green of Trysull and Esther Bruff of Wombourn married in Wombourn in 1764.
Son, John, christened in 1767 in Trysull.
Son, John, christened in 1770 in Trysull.

John Green
John Green of the parish of Wombridge, County Salop married Mary Parton in 1770 in Worfield.

Thomas and Sarah Green
Son, Edward christened in 1770 in Patshull.
Son, George, christened in 1773 in Patshull; buried in 1773 in Patshull.

Sarah Green

Son, Edward, illegitimate, christened in 1772 in Alveley.

William and Sarah Green
Son, Thomas christened in 1775 in Patshull.
Son, Richard christened in 1777 in Patshull.
Son, John christened in 1779 in Patshull.
Daughter, Sarah Anne christened in 1782 in Patshull.
Sarah Green is buried in 1799 in Patshull.

Frances Green

Frances Green is mentioned in the Rent Roll in Claverly in 1780.

Sarah Green

Sarah Green is listed in the Chief Rents in Claverley in 1784 and 1794. She is listed at Whiston’s heir.

William Green and Sarah Reynolds

William Green (of Brewood, Staff.) married Sarah Reynolds in 1786 in Claverley.

James Green
James Green is buried in 1787 in Patshull.

Robert Green and Elizabeth Green (son of Thomas and Elizabeth Green)
Robert Green married Elizabeth Green in 1787 in Alveley.
Daughter, Ann, christened in 1787 in Alveley.
Robert Green and Elizabeth Palmer (second wife)
Robert Green, widower, married Elizabeth Palmer of Kinver in 1793 in Alveley.
Son, Thomas, christened in 1794 in Alveley.
Daughter, Elizabeth, christened in 1795 in Alveley.
Son, John, christened in 1796 in Alveley.
Daughter, Mary Bickerton, christened in 1802 in Alveley.

Samuel and Ruth Green
Daughter, Jane christened in 1790 in Worfield.
Daughter, Susanah christened in 1793 in Worfield.
Son, Samuel christened in 1796 in Worfield; buried in 1796 in Worfield.
Son, Benjamin christened in 1800 in Worfield.

James Green and Francis Willsby
James Green married Francis Willsby, both of this parish, in 1792 in Patshull.

John Green and Anne Grindley
Married in Penn in 1795.

Robert and Elizabeth Green

Son, John christened 1797 in Alveley.
Harry Green (son of John and Esther Green of Alveley?)
Harry Green married Catherine Bacon in Quatt Malvern in 1799.
Harry Green is listed as a witness in Quatt Malvern marriages in the 1790s.
Thomas and Eleanor Green
Son, Thomas christened in 1811 in Worfield.

John Green and Sarah Meredith

John Green married Sarah Meredith in 1796 in Claverley.
Son, John christened 1799 in Claverley; buried 1800 in Claverley
Son, William Henry christened 1809 in Penn, Staffordshire.
John Green buried 1830 in Small Heath, Claverly.