Henry Godkin was christened 18 September 1641 in Heanor, Derbyshire, England, the son of Henry Godkin and Marie Cooper. A family Bible page in the possession of a descendant reads: "Henry Godkin the son of Henry Godkin of Smalley was born the 17th of September, being Friday about one of the clock in the after noon, and baptized on Saturday the 18th of September, and Mary his mother was buried the same day, 1641.Family Bible page from Wally McMahon.

Henry married Elizabeth Rigley 2 February 1666 in Smalley, Derbyshire. The marriage is also recorded in Longford, Derbyshire.

Henry Godkin

Marriage record for Henry Godkin and Elizabeth Rigley in Longford, Derbyshire:
"Henrie Godkin and Elisbeth Rigely married Februarie the second anno pdicto"

Henry Godkin

Marriage record for Henry Godkin and Elizabeth Rigley in Smalley:
"ffeb 2 Henry Godkin & Elzabeth Rigley married"

Elizabeth died and was buried 6 September 1687 in Smalley, Derbyshire. Henry is believed to have next married Catherine Radford  in about 1692. Henry died and was buried 17 December 1727 in Heanor, leaving a will written 22 February 1722, and proven 1728. 

Henry Godkin will

Will of Henry Godkin of Shipley, 1727

In the name of God Amen, I Henry Godkin of Shipley in the County of Derby, yeoman, being of sound mind and memory praised be God Almighty for the same, do this present 22nd day of Feb 1722-3 make and ordain this my last will and testement in manner and forme following, ffirst and principaly I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hopeing that this the merits, death and passon of our Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon & forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit eternal life, and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discression of my executor hereafter named. And as for my temporall estate as it hath pleased God to bestow on me, I dispose thereof as followeth: Imprimis, I will that all by debts and funeral charges be paid and discharged by my executor. Item, I give, devise and bequeath to my son Henry Godkin and to his heires and assignes for ever all my freehold lands lying in Codnor and tithes thereunto belonging now being in the tenure of John Wood, Cassendra Moundes, and John Peake. Item, I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Elizabeth Godkin one hundred pounds to be paid to her within twelve months after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne the wife of Henry Corden one shilling. Item I give unto my grandchildren the sons and daughters of Henry and Anne Corden to each or every of them one shilling. Item, I give, devise and bequeath unto my grandson Henry Godkin and to his heires and assignes for ever, all my lands lying within the precinct of Losko and Langley. And also all my tithes in Losko and Langey and also all my personal estate, goods, cattells and chattels whatsoever or wheresoever the same is or may be found I give and bequeath unto my send grandson Henry Godkin who I now make, constitute and appoint my full and sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby revokeing and annulling all other and former will and wills by me heretofore made, acknowledgeing this to be my last will and testament and none other. Witness my hand the day and yeare first above written.

Henry Godkin mark


Signed, sealed and published by the said Henry Godkin as his last will & testament in the psence of

John Hodges

Samuell Clay

Jno. Clerke

Henry Godkin inventory

Inventory of Henry Godkin, 1727

A true and perfect inventory of all the goods, cattells and chattells of Henry Godkin late of Shipley, being taken and appraised this 3rd day of Jan in the yeare 1727 & by whose names are here unto subscribed.


Imprimis, his purse & apparel  05  00  00


In the house

Fire irons & irons at the ffire  00  15  00

A long table, little table, fforms, cubbord,  01  05  00

Cheirs  00  10  00

8 pewter dyshes, 7 plates, porrengers  02  02  00

Brass   04  20  00

Tubb, barrel & ketts  01 08  00


In the parlor & chambers

2 bedsteads beds & ffurniture  08  00  00

3 chests, 1 table  01  00 00

A bedstead  00  02  00

Cheese   03  00  00

Backon  02  10  00

A warming pan   00  05  00


In the buttery

Milk pans, bottles   00  03  00


In the chamber

2 beds, 3 bedsteads & ffurniture  05  10  00

1 pigg  01  10  00

7 milch kine  28  00  00

1 mare and a ffilly  15  00  00

2 pair of bullocks  13  00  00

3 heyffers  10  00  00

1 ffole  03  00  00

A stack of oats  15  00  00

A mare with ffole  05  00  00

7 yeareling calves  07  00  00

2 haystacks  10  00  00

Barley unthrashed  07  10  00

A bay of hay  05  00  00

Husbandry utensils  01  00  00

A waggen & waine  11  00  00

A mare  08  00  00

Wheat unthrashed  10  00  00

Oats unthrashed  05  00  00

A hay more 07  00  00

7 stirks  17  10  00

A haystack   04  00  00

219  10  00

Henry and Elizabeth had the following children:

1. Ann, christened 11 January 1668 in Smalley; married Henry Cordon 18 November 1690 in Heanor, Derbyshire; died 25 February 1731 in Heanor.

2. Elizabeth, christened 21 February 1669 in Heanor; died 15 March 1678.

3. Mary, christened 9 April 1672 in Smalley.

4. Elizabeth, christened 15 March 1678 in Heanor.

Henry and Catherine had the following children:

1. Henry, christened 27 November 1693 in Horsley.

2. Elizabeth, christened 5 October 1696 in Heanor.

SOURCE: IGI; Heanor parish register; e-mail from Will McMahon; family Bible page; will of Henry Godkin of Shipley, 1727.


Henry Godkin was christened 23 October 1597 in Heanor, the son of Henry and Mary Godkin. The Heanor parish register shows: "Henry ye sonne of Henry Godkin of Shipley Wood was baptised ye xxiiith day of October 1597". He married Marie or Mary Cooper 1 May 1637 in Morley, Derbyshire. Mary was christened 9 March 1604 in Heanor, the daughter of Raphe Cooper and Mary Boultby.

Henry Godkin marriage

Marriage record for Henry Godkin and Marie Cooper in Morley:
"Henry Godkin of Smalley bacheller and Marie Couper of the same towne spniter were maried together"

Marie died 18 September 1641 in Morley, at the birth of her son Henry.

Henry Godkin baptism

Burial record for Mary Godkin and baptism record for Henry Godkin in Morley:
"Septembr 18th Mary the wife of Henry Godkin of Smalley was buried & the same day Henry the sone
of the said Henry Godkin by the said Mary his wife was baptized"

Henry then married Mary Heyley 6 June 1642 in Morley, Derbyshire. Henry is listed in the Hearth Tax for 1662 as having one hearth, of Smalley. 

Henry died and was buried 21 June 1665 in Smalley. Mary died and was buried 19 August 1687 in Smalley.

Henry Godkin will 1665

Will of Henry Godkin of Morley, 1665

Henry left a will dated 2 June 1665 and proven 4 September 1665

In the name of God and to his honour and glorie be all things done, Amen, I Henrie Godkin the elder of Smalley in the pish of Morley and Countie of Derbie, Webster, being sicke & weak in body, but yet of and in food sound and perfect mind and memorie, blessed be the name of the Lord for it, doe advisedly and xxx ordaine, constitute and make this my last will and testament to xxx all such goods and estate as it hath pleased God to blesse me with all in manner and forme following, ffirst I commend my soule into the hands of Almightie God my creator and maker and to his onely sonne Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer and to the holy ghost my comforter verily trusting in Gods mercie throught the merits of Christ Jesus his better death and blould shedinge to obtaine remission of my sins and eternall life with the blessed Saints in the kingdome of heaven. And I commend my body to the earth from whence it came to bee buried in the Church yarde in Smalley neare unto my wife and daughter Anne. And so hereas I am indebted in severall sumes of money to diverse friends and neighbours, I desire the same may be satisfied with as much convenient speed as may bee and for the remainder of my goods I bequeath as followeth: I bequeath to my daughter Marie Godkin twenty pounds to be paid unto her within two whole years after my decease. Item, I give and bequeath unto my two grandchildren of Robert Ellot my sonne in lawe tenne shillings to goe forward for them to be payd within one whole yeare after my decease. And for all the rest of my goods whatsoever I give and bequeath equally unto my wife Marie Godkin and my sonne Henrie. Moreover my will and desire is that the said Marie my wife and Henrie my sonne shall occupie and enjoy the liveings income together if they will soe agree, if not my will is then the said Henrie my sonne shall paie unto my wife five pounds yearely dureinge the tearme of his naturall life. And I constitute and and ordaine for the confirmation hereof the said Marie my wife and Henrie my sonne my true and lawfull executors of this my last will and testament, and I appoint Robert Ellot my sonne in law, overseer, all former will writings & manuscripts by me made to be voyd and of none effect. In witness whereof I have to this present writeings put my hand and seale the second day of June Anno Domini 1665.

Henry Godkin mark 1665

    The mark of Henry Godkin from his will

Henry and Marie had the following children:

1. Anne; mentioned in father's will of 1665 as buried in the Smalley churchyard.

2. Henry, born 17 September 1641; christened 18 September 1641 in Morley, Derbyshire; married Elizabeth Ridgley 1 February 1666 in Smalley; buried 17 December 1727 in Heanor.

Henry and Mary had these children:

1. Gartred, christened 8 May 1643 in Smalley; married Robert Elot 4 November 1666 in Smalley.

2. Mary, christened 23 May 1645 in Smalley; married Thomas Whitton 27 November 1666 in Smalley.

SOURCE: IGI; Smalley parish register transcript; Hearth Tax 1662; Heanor parish register; will of Henry Godkin, 1665, on


Henry Godkin was born in about 1570 of Heanor, the son of Henry Godkin and Annes Brandan. He married 1) Mary Cordon in about 1590, and then 2) Elizabeth Cordon 25 November 1605. Mary was the daughter of Henry and Alice Cordon of Heanor. She must have died before 1605. Henry died 10 January 1641 in Shipley. A family Bible page in the possession of one of his descendants says, "Henry Godkin the oldest departed this life January 1641".

The will of Henry, dated 10 January 1641 lists oldest sonn Henery Godkin, daughter Jane Yates, sonn George, sonn Will, grandchildren Thomas Yates, Jane Yates and Elizabeth Yates, and wife Elizabeth:

Henry Godkin

Will of Henry Godkin, 1641

January 10 1641
In the Name of God Amen, I Henery Godkin of Shippley in the County of Darby weaver being aged and weake but of sound and perfect memory through Gods mercy concidering the uncertainities of the time I doath soe constittue ordaine and make this my last will and testament In manner and forme following
Imprimis I commend my soule into the handes of god through Jesus Christ my Savior, and my body to be buried in the church or churchyard of Heinor at the discrition of my Executrix and as concerning my worldly goods, my debts and funerrall expences discharged I bequeath them In manner following
Imprimis I give and bequeath to my oldest sonn Henery Godkin in lieue of his child up to one shilling
Item I give to my daugher Jane Yates one shilling
Item I give and bequeath to my sonn George six shilling and eight pence and my will is that these three aforementioned legacies shall be paid within one month after my decease
Item I give and bequeath to my sonn Will Godkin ten pounds to be paid him within two years after my decease
Item I give and bequeath to my grandchildren Thomas Yates, Jane Yates and Elizabeth Yates £4 and 10s to be equally divided among them to be paid them within one month of the decease of my executrix
Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Godkin my beloved wife all the rest of my goodes and chattels moveable and unmoveable whom I constitute ordaine and make sole executrix of this my last will and testament.
And I intreat Mr Josiah Hawkesworth and Roger Neild of Shipley to be overseers of this execution hereof
And this uterly revoking renouncing and annihilating all other wills legacies and bequests by me hertofore made or intended to be made for the rattification of this my last will and testament I have hereto put my hand and soule to these present
Read published and subscribed
and sealed in the presence of Henry X Godkin

Henry Godkin mark 1641

Josias Hawkesworth his mark
Roger Neild

Henry also left an inventory:

Henry Godkin inventory 1641

Inventory of Henry Godkin, 1641

Perfect and true Inventory of all the goods and chattels of Henery Godking of Shipleywood late deceased viewed and prized by his neighbours whose names are under written this ninth day of February 1641

Imprimis his purse and apparell 0-5-0

Items in the house one cupboard and table and a forme
2 chaires 3 formes 1-5-0

Items in the parlour one seeled bed 2 plainer
bed steads two coffers, one chest, 2 rugges, 2 flockebeds
two bolsers five pillowes, 2 bed hillings five
blankets 6-12-0

Items in the chamber five hepen sheets six paires of
flaxen sheets 2 table clothes, one flaxen towel
twelve napkins 4-0-0

Items in buttery 2 brass pots, 5 kettles one
skellet, 2 brass candlesticks one chafing dish 3-2-0

Item eight pewter dishes, on double salt 0-11-0

Items in milke house 2 barrels, one kilt one kimnell
one kneading trough 2 churnes and other wooden ware 2-0-0

Item one bible, one fouling peice 2-0-0

Items in the shop 2 weavers loomes and gears and all things belonging thereto 5-0-0

Item 3 Bacon flickes 1-0-0

Item cheese and butter 0-5-0

Item foure pound of floure 1-0-0

Item wooll 0-5-0

Item one landyron one brandyron one paire of
tonges, one spit, one paire of cobyrons one hinging
yron, one hatchel, one harke, 2 fores, one billow
spade, one pestell, one morter and one paire of pinsers 0-10-0

Items without doores six kind, and two heyfers, 2 calfes
one mare, and six sheepe 20-0-0

Item corne and hay 3-10-0

Item one cart, one harrow, one plough and 2 hodders 1-0-0

Item Beas and two swine 1-0-0

Item all other odde husbandry and household implements 0-5-0
sum total 52-10-0

Josias Hawkesworth
Roger Neild
George Roe
Henry X Corden
his mark


Henry and Mary had the following children:

1. Jone, born in about 1592 of Heanor; buried 26 September 1592 in Heanor.

2. Ellenor, christened 24 October 1593 in Heanor.

*3. Henry, christened 23 October 1597 in Heanor; married Marie Cooper 1 May 1637 in Morley; buried 21 June 1665 in Smalley.

Henry Godkin

 Baptism record for Henry Godkin in Heanor: "Henry ye soone of Henry Godkin of Shipley Wood was baptised ye xxiijth day of October in the year above said"

Henry and Elizabeth had the following children:

1. Jane, christened 28 August 1606 in Heanor; married William Yattes 4 May 1629 in Heanor; buried 13 September 1645.

2. George, christened 20 November 1608 in Heanor; married Anne Pipes 25 February 1640 in Heanor; buried 18 November 1608 in Heanor.

3. Robert, christened 5 May 1611 in Heanor; buried 14 March 1612 in Heanor.

4. William, christened 20 March 1614 in Heanor.
SOURCE: IGI; Heanor parish register; family Bible page in possession of Wally McMahon; will of Henry Godkin online at



Henry Godkin was born in about 1530 of Wilne, Derbyshire. He married Annes Brandan 9 May 1556 in Wilne, Derbyshire.

Henry Godkin marriage

Marriage record for Henry Godkin and Annes Brandon in Wilne:
"Henry Godkin & Annis Brandon marryed ix die May"

Henry and Annes had the following child:

*1. Henry, born about 1570 of Heanor; married 1) Mary Cordon in about 1590, and then 2) Elizabeth Cordon 25 November 1605; died 10 January 1641 in Shipley.

SOURCES: Wilne parish register;;